Strength Coaching

Role of a Strength & Conditioning Coach



A strength coach understands that each person is different and designs personalized strength and conditioning training programs tailored to the individual. Throughout the training, they adjust programming as needed based on performance, observation, and feedback to get the greatest results for our clients and their goals. The expertise that a strength and conditioning coach provides can help improve motor skills, improve performance, and reduce injury.

Strength coaches know that these compound lifts have the greatest return on investment on your time. They select these exercises based on the following criteria:

  • Making use of the body's most basic movement patterns that trains the most muscle mass.

  • Utilizing the longest, most effective range of motion.

  • Moving the most amount of weight.


A strength coach understands that each person is different and design personalized strength and conditioning training programs tailored to the individual. Throughout the training, they will adjust programming as needed based on performance, observation, and feedback to get the greatest results for our clients and their goals. Programming from a strength and conditioning coach can be a combination of strength training, speed and agility training, barbell training, skill-related drills, flexibility training, and balance training.

Strength coaches understand that strength transcends all of the ten general physical attributes speed, power, cardio, balance, flexibility, stamina, agility, accuracy, and coordination. It is a vital component to a healthy, high-functioning quality of life as we age.


Coaches will need to know how to monitor mental and physical fatigue to ensure they are progressing the client or athlete towards their goals and not increasing their chance of injury. The strength coach administers the appropriate evaluations, designs effective programs, and tests and trains clients in a safe environment. They prioritize form, injury prevention, and individualization for each client.


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